Monday, September 18, 2006


We received word this morning that we will not be getting an appointment on Tuesday as we hoped. But it is worse that we imagined. Our appointment with the US Embassy isn't scheduled until next Tuesday. Thus, we will be spending another week in Vietnam. Our original plan was to leave this Wednesday, but it is unlikely that we will be able to leave until next Thursday now. We are trying to remain in good spirits. Our adoption agency had done everything is just that the US Embassy is very behind. We were told that if we had submitted our paper work even a few minutes later that we would have to wait 2 weeks instead of just one. So we are thankful that we only have to stay one more week.

We have not yet changed our flights...I am waiting for the Airline to get back from lunch to call them. Hopefully there will be pleny of choices for our return next week.

Below are some photos taken yesterday at Ha Long Bay.


Nikki said...

It's very early here, 6am. Your Mom dropped Aiden off about an hour ago and he is sleeping in Kiahs room right now.
I know you guys are really wanting to get home to be with family, esp Aiden. I really hope this next week just flies by so it doesn't feel very long.
I will give Aiden hugs and kisses for you.

Stepping On Legos said...

Oh no! That's just crazy! I'm so sorry. What can ya do, though, ya know? Thank goodness you didn't get the 2 week end of the stick. That's insane! Hang in there and try to enjoy the country!

Anonymous said...

Hello Craig and family! I'm really enjoying this website and tracking your experiences in Vietnam. What a wonderful and wild experience. I feel like I'm living it along with you. So sorry about the extended stay, but God's timing is best...but how anxious you must be to be home with Aiden and Liam. I'll be excited to hear how that union goes - ha! Sure to be an experience. I'll pray that the appt, paperwork and airline timing all works out so you can be home soon. Treasure these memories and just think of all the new ones you will be making when you are back here. Love you, Diana

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
The time that you are getting Liam is less time that you were in the hospital with Aiden. i know that an exta week sounds like a long time, but it will go by quickly. Just enjoy the time there. I wish that I could be there to entertain you this time.....hahaha...I miss you guys alot.
Love Jen

Anonymous said...

Hi guys
God arranges in the times and places that we live. So it just time to relax and maybe help someone get to meet him. I know it is hard not getting see Aiden. Love you guys!