Sunday, September 10, 2006

On the road again

Today we left for Saigon at 9:00AM. With the luggage of all 5 families, the minibus was quite crowded on the way to Ninh Thuan. Adding 5 children to the ride home was going to be interesting. However, amazingly enough the children all behaved beautifully. Liam slept for about 5 hours of the 8 hour trip. He was a little antsy during his waking hours, but not more than can be expected. Leaving Ninh Thuan was bitter sweet. It is such a beautiful area, but Saigon boasts some of privileges of the Western world that we have taken for granted at home.

On the way back from Saigon, we stopped for lunch. The menu seemed somewhat questionable so we chose not to eat. When we arrived in Saigon at 5:00PM, we were starved. We quickly made our way to Lotteria (the McDonalds of the Far East). Surprisingly, it was quite good. A double cheese buger and french fries never tasted so good. After dinner we went shopping at a nearby mall. Chaunta got measured for a custom Aoi Doi (traditional Vietnamese attire). She picked out her fabric and it will be ready in 2 days. We also bought the boys coordinating Aoi Dois with rice hats. They will look so cute. Then we went to the grocery store to stock up on diapers, formula and the like.

Liam has been so good today, even with all the business. Tonight he is fighting his sleep and is a little grumpy and slap happy all at the same time. It still amazes me that he is ours. He is so perfect. We are very blessed to have two miracle children. God is good!

Tomorrow we begin the paperwork to grant Liam US citizenship and get his Visa to come back with us. This is the hard part of our journey. Please pray for a smooth and efficient processing. If all goes well, we will leave next Wednesday.

Send our best to Aiden.
Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are so happy for you guys. He is finally here and has a new beginning. The pics and stories bring us to tears, and his laugh brings us joy. Yesterday at Shane's party Aiden was able to watch the video and he was filled with laughter. He had a blast and we all smothered him with hugs and kisses. Although he just wanted to play, play, and party with his friends. Linda was so nice to bring him. We can't wait for you guys to be home. Miss you and love you.