Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Slow Boat to Taiwan...

Time for an update.

First off, Liam's 2nd birthday is quickly approaching so we had to get pictures taken. Once again we went overboard and purchased way too many! Liam is getting so big and developing quite the personality. He fits so well in our family...sometimes it is hard to believe that he is adopted. He is talking quite a bit, but the words can be somewhat difficult to understand at times. He loves his brother, and wants to do everything that he does. It really ticks Aiden off sometimes...

Aiden is doing well. He started a new school last week and so far he likes it. He is getting more individualized attention as well as occupational therapy twice a week. We are very glad that he is getting the help that he needs to be prepared for kindergarten. He continues to do hippo therapy (horse therapy) once per week. He can ride forwards, backwards, and standing up. He really enjoys it. He is also incredibly sports minded (which is crazy since neither of us really get into sports too much).

We have not posted much about our adoption in a while so here goes... We are starting to realize that life with two small children (age 3 and 2) is crazy...and adding a 3rd right away would be sheer madness. Thus we have decided to take the "slow boat to Taiwan". We have elected a different program within Taiwan that has a much longer wait for referral (12 -18 months). This will give us more time to devote to our two boys (and allow Liam plenty of time to be the baby). It was a difficult decision because we both really want a little girl, but we believe it is what will be best for our family in the long run.

Now for those pictures...


Ly said...

The boys get more handsome every day! I am glad they are both doing so well. Aiden sounds like he is doing great with school and his therapy - yay! And Liam looks wonderful!

Our prayers and support are with you always. The "slow boat to Taiwan" still gets you there! By the time the boat docks you will have the little girl that is meant for you :-) We miss you all and love you.

ShellyW said...

The boys are so sweet! I think it is awesome that you are adopting again and that you are also going to take the time to enjoy the boys before you add a litte princess. :-)

God Bless you.

Heather said...

When I saw the caption, "Still White" I nearly fell out of my chair laughing! Our poor Drew will also be very "white."

The boys look awesome. Can't believe Liam is not a baby anymore. Natasha said you all had a fantastic visit.

I think that taking your time on the next adoption is a very wise decision. Still, we will all be so excited to hear the good news when it happens.

Daniel and Jamie said...

The pictures are great! Both boys look so handsome.

Scott and Leslie said...

Too cute! Your boys always smile so nicely for the camera! What is your secret? Glad that the Au Dois we bought in Vietnam fit them!

I love Ly's comment about the "slow boat to Taiwan" still getting you there - how true is that? It is all in God's timing anyway, right? We will pray for your family as you wait.

Hugs to the boys!