Friday, October 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Liam!

Well this post is quite late…but Liam turned two last Saturday. We have had such a busy month that we just haven’t gotten around to posting the update.

We just can’t believe how big Liam is getting. Last night after getting the boys tucked in bed, we went down to the living room to enjoy some “kid-free” time. About 15 minutes after we tucked the kids in bed, we hear a noise on the stairs…assuming it was our dog, we paid little attention to it. Next thing we knew, little Liam was running to his daddy carrying his blanket and Elmo doll. WOW – This had never happened. He scaled his crib (bringing both his doll and blanket) and opened the door (he can barely reach the door knob). So we laughed a little, kissed him and put him back in his crib…5 minutes later, he comes running to his daddy grinning ear to ear with the blanket and Elmo doll in tote. So I guess he is done with the crib and it is time to switch him to a toddler bed.

He is talking so much. In fact, he doesn’t quiet down much at all. He regularly speaks in 3-4 word sentences. We just can’t get over how fast he is developing. Our “Parents as Teachers” coordinator can’t believe that he was ever in an orphanage…he is on target and ahead with most milestones.


Heather said...

Happy birthday Liam! Well, luckily for us, Sarah hasn't figured out how to get out of the crib. So she'll be in it a while longer. What a cute story. I can just picture Liam running to you with the blankie and Elmo. Glad he is doing so well. Take care guys!

Ly said...

Happy Birthday sweet Liam. You are growing up so fast and we enjoy hearing about your adventures with your brother Aiden. We can't believe you are two years old :-) Your little buddy Thai misses you and he loves Elmo too! We hope to see you all soon and we love you lots.

Scott and Leslie said...

Happy Birthday Liam! I can vividly picture Liam scaling the side of the crib!! Too funny!