It seems like forever since we sent our dossier paperwork to our agency to be forwarded to Taiwan. We rushed around like crazy at the end of March so we would have it notarized, authenticated and apostillized by all the appropriate agencies. We got it completed and sent off just before we left for our spring break trip to Disneyland (in California). It arrived at our agency in the first Week of April and they sent it on to Taiwan. Since that time...there has been not updates.
Our adoption facilitator recently traveled to Taiwan for 2-3 weeks to meet with the various agencies. The good news is that she brought back pictures of our baby. The bade news is that there is no update on the progress of our adoption. Right now we are awaiting our first hearing (which as far as we know hasn't been scheduled yet).
We have been keeping busy, trying to keep our focus off the passing of each day that we are separated from our baby. Fortunately, keeping busy has never been a problem for us. We were fortunate enough to spend a week at Disneyland over spring break...and had a blast. Preschool is wrapping up for both the boys and there have been several programs and events to attend at their school. Most recently, Aiden had his preschool graduation ceremony (grad hat and all). It was very cute, and we can't believe that he will go to kindergarten next year. Aiden will celebrate his 5th birthday next week. The summer is stacking up to be pretty busy as well with church events, camp outs, and a trip to Williamsburg Virginia.
Stay tuned for more updates (HOPEFULLY SOON!)
What a PRECIOUS peanut! She is a doll. Yes, stay busy during the waiting, it does help the time go by. But I know your hearts are longing to have your daughter home, looking forward to watching your journey unfold!
She's beautiful!
Hope things start moving quickly - we can't wait to hear your beautiful daughter is in your arms!
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