Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers Day

Time for a quick update on our family...

Both boys are doing well and keeping us very busy! Aiden will turn 3 in a few weeks and he continually reminds us that he wants a "Spiderman bike and helmet". He is starting to potty train and uses the potty about one to two times a day. We yearn for the day when he is completely potty trained. Liam is developing quite well. He learning things so much faster than we expected...I guess that is due to his older brother who teaches him all sorts of awnry behaviors. : ) Liam is "mommy's boy" mostly, but he loves daddy too (just not a much). He wants to do everything that his big brother does. It really frustrates Aiden because Liam is always "tagging along."

Out adoption is going much more quickly than we originally planned. We officially filed one month ago (this Monday), and have already completed our homestudy visits and dossier. We should be officially on the waiting list soon. The wait for a referral of an infant girl will be approximately 4-6 months, and then it will be another 4-6 months before we travel. So we are expecting to travel somewhere between 9-12 months from now. We are getting really excited...

Now for the photos...


Scott and Leslie said...

Isn't it great how quickly the boys adjusted to one another! What would they do without each other now? Glad to hear that your process for a daughter is progressing quickly. We can't wait to see that you have a referral!

Happy Mother's Day Tae!!!

Ly said...

The boys are so handsome - I can't get over how much they are both growing!! I'm so glad they are enjoying each other. Good news about the adoption -- we will keep praying for you. Hugs and kisses to the kids. Miss you all.

erinlo said...

What precious precious children you have! I can not wait to meet them in person! We are coming to the Dillon Day in June so we are hoping to meet you all there! Love ya'll! -Erin L.